User’s Guide
a “back” button if there are more sources than buttons. Pressing the ‘Forward’ button takes
you to the next page of sources. Pressing the ‘Back’ button takes you to the previous page
of sources.
Some button states depend on context. Many buttons remain unlit when their functions
are disabled. For example, the up and down scroll buttons remain unlit until there is an
opportunity to scroll up or down, respectively. For example, an XY/MD button turns green
for X-Y mode and amber for multi-destination mode. ‘Save Preset’ goes low tally when you
press ‘Clear Preset’.
The LCD buttons display a menu if the operator presses a menu button. When the operator
make a menu selection, viewable data are displayed on the LCD buttons. In some cases, the
operator can enter data (such as panel ID or LCD brightness) using buttons that allow data
Configurers can define ‘Selection’ buttons that select a level during a breakaway setup or
that select destinations in multi-destination (MD) mode. (You
do so if the operator is
to make such selections.)
Up/Down Buttons
The two small buttons (next to the printed arrows) illuminate when scrolling is possible.
The up button illuminates when you can scroll up; the down button, when you can scroll
Scrolling is necessary when a list of items
for instance, source devices
exceeds the
number of buttons available for the items.
Operators will use the up/down buttons to view different button pages when the panel is
configured according to the paging model.
Tally Interface
At the rear of the panel is a DB25 connector that provides 8 tally inputs and 4 tally outputs.
(The outputs are solid state relay outputs.) Both inputs and outputs are optically isolated.
During configuration, you can construct Boolean logic that switches the outputs on. The
terms of the logic expressions are states of the source and destination devices, etc.,
controlled by the NV9641.
During configuration, you can prescribe NV9641 behavior that depends on the tally inputs.
What you connect to the tally interface is, of course, up to you. Grass Valley provides a
breakout cable (WC0053) for the tally connector as a purchase option.
The NV9000-SE Utilities on-line help documentation calls the tally interface a GPIO
interface. On the rear of the panel, it is labelled a “GPI interface.”
See Chapter 6,
, for complete detail.
Modes of Operation
Under the paging model, the panel operates in a limited X-Y mode.
Under the XY/MD model, the panel operates in either X-Y mode or multi-destination (MD)
mode. A single button (XY/MD) can toggle between the modes. A third mode