Product Overview
Benefits of an Integrated Multiviewer
Benefits of an Integrated Multiviewer
The benefits of an integrated multiviewer include:
• Flexible multiviewer routing configurations.
• No loss of router inputs or outputs.
• No additional space required.
• No signal cabling, simplified installation.
• Reduced power consumption and cooling requirements.
Typical User Applications
The MV-831 Multiviewer is ideal for any user application that requires single or multiple
displays. For example:
• Playout control rooms.
• Multi-channel playout.
• Studio galleries.
• OB trucks.
• Post-production suites.
• Signal lines monitoring areas.
With the development of advanced technology within the MV-831 Multiviewer, Grass Valley
can offer some unique, powerful multiviewer features:
Integrates into Sirius 830 systems:
• Provides 24 router inputs and 24 router outputs.
• Monitors 48 video signals while maintaining router inputs and outputs.
• Accesses up to 24 router video outputs on the MV-831.
• Accesses up to 24 router video inputs on the MV-831.
• Accesses up to 288 router video sources (i.e. any router input).
• Up to 12-off MV-831s can be fitted per host router, see Table 1-1.
Table 1-1: MV-831 in Sirius 800 Series Routers
Sirius 800 Router
Number of fitted MV-831s
Sirius 830
12-off Maximum
Sirius 840
Sirius 850
Note 1:
The MV-831 Multiviewer
fits into Sirius 830 routers.