Packing the DX940e for Shipment
If you have saved the shipping box that your DX940e was received in, then add the end Styrofoam pieces around the
chassis and place the unit in the box. Please contact customer support to receive a valid RMA number so that this
item is either repaired and returned or credited to your account. Products without a proper RMA number will not
be accepted for repair by Garre Com.
If you have not saved the original shipping container then place the unit in a box so that normal shipping ac vi es
will not cause any damage to the unit. Garre Com has no responsibility for the product during return shipping. For
more warranty informa on, see
and for details for the requirements for returning equipment,
see Return
Of Equipment
2.5 Product Bulle n
The product bulle n for the DX940e is available on the Garre Com website and is available at:
h ps://www.belden.com/hubfs/resources/technical/product-brochures-bulle ns/magnum-dx940e-product-
bulle n.pdf?hsLang=en
2.6 Administrator Guide
The Administrator Guide for the DX940e is available on the Garre Com website and is available at:
h ps://www.belden.com/products/industrial/networking/so ware/magnum-mns-dx-so ware
Scroll down page and choose Magnum MNS-DX Technical Support, then Garre com.
Login with current account or Register for new account, to access the desired documenta on.