Mix and Match
Belanger, Inc. * 1001 Doheny Ct. * Northville, MI 48167 * Ph (810) 349-7010 * Fax (810) 380-9681
Motor Maintenance Supplied by Baldor®
Section 3 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
The following is a partial list of accessories available from Baldor. Contact your Baldor distributor for
availability and pricing information
Note: Space heaters and RTD’s are standard on some motors.
Bearing RTD
RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) devices are used to measure or monitor the temperature
of the motor bearing during operation.
Bearing Thermocouple
s Used to measure or monitor bearing temperatures.
Bearing Thermostat
Temperature device that activates when bearing temperatures are excessive. Used with an external
circuit to warn of excessive bearing temperature or to shut down a motor.
Conduit Boxes
Optional conduit boxes are available in various sizes to accommodate accessory devices.
Cord & Plug Assembly
Adds a line cord and plug for portable applications.
Drains and Breathers
Stainless steel drains with separate breathers are available.
Drip Covers
Designed for use when motor is mounted in a vertical position. Contact your Baldor distributor to
confirm that the motor is designed for vertical mounting.
Fan Cover & Lint Screen
To prevent build-up of debris on the cooling fan.
Additional stainless steel nameplates are available.
Roller Bearings
Recommended for belt drive applications with a speed of 1800 RPM or less.
Rotation Arrow Labels
Rotation arrows are supplied on motors designed to operate in one direction only. Additional rotation
arrows are available.
Space Heater
Added to prevent condensation of moisture within the motor enclosure during periods of shut down or
Stainless Hardware
Stainless steel hardware is available. Standard hardware is corrosion resistant zinc plated steel.
Winding RTD
RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) devices are used to measure or monitor the temperature
of the motor winding during operation.
Winding Thermocouple
s Used to measure or monitor winding temperatures.
Winding Thermostat
Temperature device that activates when winding temperatures are excessive. Used with an external
circuit to warn of excessive winding temperature or to shut down a motor.
Note: On some motors, leads for accessory devices are brought out to a separate conduit box located on
the side of the motor housing (unless otherwise specified).