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Cycle process at progressive lubrication systems, single line lubrication systems and sectional
The integrated control unit GIGA-multitronic operates cycle dependent. This means the lubrication cycle consists of a
lubrication duration (pump operating time) and the cycle time. The exact description of the progressivee lubrication
system can be found in the manual GIGA-multitronic for progressivee lubrication systems, chapter 6.4.1 cycle control
time dependent and chapter 6.4.2 cycle pulse dependent, as well as chapter 6.5.1 lubrication time dependent, lubrication
pulse dependent and 6.5.3 cycle control speed dependent. For sectional systems you can find the exact description in
manual GIGA-multitronic for sectional systems in chapter 6.3.1 functional process for standard settings and 6.3.2
functional process for „cycle locked“. For single line lubrication systems, please see GIGA-multitronic manual for single
line lubrication systems in chapter 6.4 function process of integrated control unit GiGA-multitronic for control of single line
‚Fig. 2:
Cycle process at dual line lubrication systems with sequential lubrication without relubrication time
The integrated control unit GIGA-multitronic operates cycle dependent; this means a lubrication cycle consists of the
lubrication duration (pump operating time) and cycle time. The sequential lubrication contains the lubrication duration of
main line 1 and main line 2 in sequence at the beginning of the cycle time. The exact description of the function can be
found in manual GIGA-multitronic for dual line lubrication systems in chapter 6.6.1 sequential lubrication without
relubrication time and 6.6.2 sequential lubrication with relubrication time.
Fig. 3:
Cycle process at dual line lubrication systems with cycle interrupted lubrication without relubrication
The integrated control unit GIGA-multitronic operates cycle dependent. This means the lubrication cycle consists of a
lubrication duration (pump operating time) and cycle time. The cycle interrupted lubrication contains the lubrication
duration of main line 1 at the beginning of the cycle time and the lubrication duration at main line 2 after 50 % of the cycle
duration are processed. The exact description of the function process can be found in manual GIGA-multitronic for dual
line systems in chapter 6.6.3 cycle interrupted lubrication without relubrication and 6.6.4 cycle interrupted lubrication with
‚Fig. 4:
Lubrication duration
Line 1
Lubrication duration
Line 2
Cycle duration
Line 2
Lubrication duration
Line 1
Lubrication duration
Line 2
Cycle duration
Line 2
After 50 % of
cycle duration
Lubrication duration
Cycle duration