Step 10 Define the total scale factor
In this example the rate display is in litres
per minute but the total display is
required in cubic metres:
= Units of rate display
Units of total display
There are 1,000 litres in a cubic metre
= litres
cubic metres
= 1 litre
1/(1000) litres
= 1000
From the main menu select 'SCALE-t'
and press P to reveal the current five
digit dividing factor. Using the Up and
Down buttons to adjust the flashing digit,
and the P button to transfer control
between digits, set 'SCALE-t' to 1000.0
The position of the decimal point is
defined by moving the flashing digit to the
second least significant position and
operating the Up and Down buttons
When 'SCALE-t' has been set to 1000.0
press E to return to the main menu.
Define percentage cut-off
Totalisation is to be inhibited at flow rates
below 1% of maximum flow. To define
the clip-off point select ‘CLIP-OFF' from
the main menu and press P which will
reveal the current setting. Using the Up
and Down buttons select 1 and return to
the main menu by pressing E.
Step 12 Reset the grand total to zero
To reset the grand total to zero select
'CLr.Gtot' from the main menu and press
P which will cause the instrument to
display 'Clr. no'. Toggle this to 'CLr.
YES' using the Up or Down push-buttons
and press P which will result in a '0000'
prompt. Using the Up, and Down buttons
and the P button to move to the next
digit, enter the password 'SurE' which
protects this function. Pressing E will
then reset the grand total counter to zero
and return the instrument to the 'CLr.
Gtot' prompt in the main menu.
Step 13 Set the security code
Defining a security code prevents
unauthorised access to the programme
functions. Select 'COdE' from the main
menu and press P which will reveal the
existing security code. Using the Up and
Down buttons enter the new code 1209
digit by digit. The P button will transfer
control between digits. When the new
code has been entered, press E to return
to the main programme menu.
Step 14 Return to the display mode
Following completion of programming
and calibration, return the instrument to
the display mode by pressing E. All the
BA558C programming functions will now
be stored in permanent memory and
protected from accidental adjustment by
the security code.