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- If the device does not start up.
Check that the 12V dc power is correctly connected.
- If the fault LED lights up.
If the YELLOW LED is remains ON, check the detection capsule status. It is probably faulty and has to be
replaced. Call an authorized technician.
- If the detector is repeatedly issuing an alarm.
Check that there are no gas leaks.
If the alarm signal and the FAULT indicator light turn on together, proceed as in the previous paragraph.
- If the detector is issuing an alarm and does not shut off the devices connected to it.
Check that the wiring is correct and that the jumper that carries power to the relay has been set properly. All
relays are free from electrical power. Check the drawing of the connections.
The installation of the detector does not exempt from ...
... The compliance with all regulations concerning the characteristics, installation and use of gas appliances. The ventilation
of the spaces and the elimination of combustion products are described in the UNI norms according to ART. 3 LAW 1083 /
71 and relevant legal provisions.
Before calling a technician ...
WARNING! Actions to be taken in case of alarm
1) Put out all free flames.
2) Close the main gas tap or the LPG cylinder tap.
3) Do not turn any lights on or off; do not turn on any electrical device or appliance.
4) Open windows and doors in order to increase ventilation.
If the alarm stops, its cause must be found and the relevant consequent measures taken.
If the alarm continues and the cause of gas presence cannot be found or removed, abandon the building and call
the emergency services when outside (fire department, distributors, etc.)
IMPORTANT: The operation test should not be carried out with the gas tap as this does not guarantee a sufficient
concentration to activate the general alarm.
Warning !!
If you have the following symptoms: vomiting, sleepiness, or else, go to the closest first aid station
and inform the operators that you could have been poisoned by Carbon Monoxide,
or by an excess
or deficiency of oxygen