Switching module RC-SM-4
Mode 14: Brake light, light, reversing light
In this mode the RC-SM-4 is connected to the throttle channel of the receiver with a
Y-cable parallel to the speed controller. When driving the model, the brake light and
reversing light are automatically activated. The neutral position of the throttle channel
should be set to 1.500 ms on the transmitter.
A “normal” forward / reverse speed controller is required for this mode. Speed
controllers with special functions such as cruise control, braking functions or pure
forward controllers do not work.
There are 2 variants for the brake light:
Without emergency brake light (Output 1)
With emergency brake light (Output 2)
With the emergency brake light, the brake light flashes for approx. 2.5 seconds when
the brakes are hard, in order to warn vehicles behind of a danger.
If the reversing light lights up when driving forward, the throttle channel on the radio
must be reversed. This may make it necessary to teach-in the speed controller again.
In addition to the brake and reversing lights, there is an output for a light that is
always switched on automatically as soon as the model starts moving. If the model
stands for at least 30 seconds, the light is switched off again.
Assignment of the outputs:
Output 1:
Brake light without emergency brake light
Output 2:
Brake light with emergency brake light
Output 3:
Output 4:
Reversing light
The size of the neutral area can be changed using the "digital potentiometer" (see
page 8):
Digital potentiometer value
Neutral area
1.52 – 1.48 ms
1.54 – 1.46 ms
1.56 – 1.44 ms
1.58 – 1.42 ms
1.60 – 1.40 ms
1.62 – 1.38 ms
1.64 – 1.36 ms
1.66 – 1.34 ms