Switching module RC-SM-4
Mode 3: 4-way memory via areas A, B, C, D
A proportional control element is required on the radio for this mode, since the
intermediate areas B and C are also evaluated here.
If the control element is brought into an area (A, B, C or D), the corresponding output
switches on and remains on until this area is activated again. The output always
changes (toggles) its state with each activation.
In area A:
Output 1
switches on or off (memory)
In area B:
Output 2
switches on or off (memory)
In area C:
Output 3
switches on or off (memory)
In area D:
Output 4
switches on or off (memory)
Areas B and C have a delay of 1 second so that these areas are not triggered
unintentionally when the control element is moved from neutral (N) through the
intermediate areas (B and C) to the outer areas (A and D).
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
2.0 ms
1.8 ms
1.6 ms
1.4 ms
1.2 ms
1.0 ms