6.6.2 Digital overflow
When using the FEEDBACK DESTROYER as a parametric equalizer (Parametric EQ mode) and applying
extreme attenuation values in the low end range of the frequency spectrum (below 50 Hz), you should
perhaps set several filters to process the same frequency. Depending on the amount of attenuation applied,
the use of only one filter may lead to internal memory overflow, which produces interference in the signal
path. This is a natural physical phenomenon which should be avoided. Use for example two filters adjusted
to a signal attenuation of about -12 dB (with the same frequency and bandwidth). This produces the same
effect achieved with
one filter set to -24 dB.
6.6.3 “Tuning in” P.A. and monitor systems
With the FEEDBACK DESTROYER you can improve the protection against feedback even before the show
begins, by “tuning in” your sound reinforcement system: after the system has been set up completely, open
all microphone channels and activate Single-Shot mode on your FEEDBACK DESTROYER. Then, slowly
move up the monitor and master faders until feedback comes in. Without the FEEDBACK DESTROYER you
could not increase the volume level of your system any further. With your FEEDBACK DESTROYER, how-
ever, you can considerably enhance the system headroom! Move the faders further up, and the first feed-
back signal will be suppressed by the FEEDBACK DESTROYER. Continue to move up the faders until about
three or four filters are suppressing various feedback signals. Subsequently, cut back the volume to the level
required for the show. In this way, you can be sure that there is enough system headroom should it be
necessary to raise the volume level during the concert.
If you have more than one FEEDBACK DESTROYER for the monitor path, you should use these devices to
protect critical signal paths. Experience has shown that musicians want to have the volume of their instru-
ment increased on the monitor as the concert goes on. With the FEEDBACK DESTROYER you can turn up
the volume without having to fear feedback problems. When the show begins you should set several filters to
Auto mode in order to suppress feedback produced by “moving” (vocal) microphones. In Auto mode, the
FEEDBACK DESTROYER automatically tracks and suppresses feedback signals with varying frequencies.