mobile Operating Manual
Connect To Patient
1. Position the NOxBOXmobile as close as
practical to the patient ventilator to enable
ease of connection. Engage the system
brakes and make sure the system is stable
before connecting to the patient.
2. Connect a fresh dose line from a new
NOxKIT to the outlet of the NOxBOXmobile
flow meter, pushing the soft bung firmly
over the metal barb. Attach the luer lock on
the free-end to an appropriately sized vent
connection adaptor from the NOxKIT; the
size should match the circuit size in use on
the patient circuit.
3. Insert the dose line adaptor into the patient
ventilator circuit inspiratory limb. The dose
line should be connected approximately
1m (between 0.7m and 1.3m) back from
the patient sample point being taken by the
monitor (See Figure 6). Refer
to the NOxBOXO
monitor User Manual
for correct set-up of the monitor to patient
4. The system is now ready to commence
delivery of NO to the patient.
5. Refer to the NOxBOXmobile Quick
StartGuide (QSG) for dose setting tables.
An illustrated example is shown in Figure 6:
for 1000ppm supply, patient vent flow of 6L/
min, desired dose of 15ppm; the NO flow
setting should be approx. 90 cc/min.
6. Check the NO gas cylinder concentration on
the cylinder label and refer to the table with
the matching concentration value.
7. The top row of values indicates the patient
ventilator flow setting. At the value that best
matches the patient ventilator flow, read
down the column to reach the desired target
NO dose.
8. The corresponding value of NO Flow Rate
(cc/min) shown on the far left column is the
guideline starting value to set the NO flow
rate on the NOxBOXmobile.
9. Carefully and fully open the valve on
cylinder 1. Check the flow meter setting and
adjust to match the guide value calculated
using the QSG for the patient.
Figure 6