Functional description
KL304x and KL305x
Process data
The process data that are transferred to the Bus Coupler are calculated
using the following equations:
Output values of the A/D converter
Y_aus: Process data to PLC
Manufacturer gain and offset compensation (R17, R18)
Manufacturer scaling (R19, R20)
User scaling
(R33, R34)
a) Neither user nor manufacturer scaling are active:
Y_a = (B_a + X_adc) * A_a
Y_aus = Y_a
b) Manufacturer scaling active (factory setting):
Y_1 = B_h + A_h * Y_a
Y_aus = Y_1
c) User scaling active:
Y_2 =B_w + A_w * Y_a
Y_aus = Y_2
d) Manufacturer and user scaling active:
Y_1 = B_h + A_h * Y_a
Y_2 = B_w + A_w * Y_1
Y_aus = Y_2
The equations of the straight line are activated via register R32.
amount rep.
user scaling
manuf. scal.
Gain, Offset adjust.
add. bits