Installation Guide
In order to properly operate with the Beckhoff EL9820 Evaluation Kit, the installation of three following
software packages is needed:
Slave Stack Code (SSC)
: source code (written in C programming language) implementing all
general-purpose functionalities of an EtherCAT Slave as well as some application examples.
MPLAB IDE for Microchip PIC (+ MPLAB XC 16 Compiler for PIC24)
: development
environment for the programming and debugging of the Microchip PIC24 microcontroller
integrated on board the EL9800 Evaluation Kit
TwinCAT Real-Time Control Suite
: PC-based control platform and development
environment which enables to use a standard Windows PC as EtherCAT Master test platform,
and therefore to control the EL9820 Evaluation Kit.
This Installation Guide is intended to allow customers to perform in advance all the preliminary steps
which are required to successfully attend the EtherCAT Evaluation Kit Workshop.
In case any of the steps described in this Installation Guide
fails, please contact the ETG office as soon as possible at
email address
, in order to receive
specific support and solve the problems before the