Motor (synchronous)
Press function key F12 (SW disable) before changing motor parameters.
Motor Type:
Select Synchronous Motor. If you use a linear motor or an induction motor, please
contact our support department.
Click the list to start uploading the motor parameter table, which is stored in the
servo amplifier. Search and select the connected motor. If your motor is not listed, please contact
our support department.
Leave all other fields unchanged.
Click OK.
If your motor has a built-in brake, click Yes,
otherwise "No".
If Software Enable is active, a warning appe-
ars. You can proceed, but after the amplifier is
restarted, you must check whether the holding
brake configuration is correct.
Click OK.
Parameters are uploaded to the amplifier's
RAM now (takes some seconds). When this is
done, you have to accept the changed confi-
guration with "Yes" or to discard the changes
in the appearing screen.
If you click "Yes", the parameters are saved in
the EEPROM and the amplifier makes a cold-
start (reset). This takes some seconds.
On the start screen, click "Feedback" button.
AX2040/2070 Product Manual