Device Configuration
Advanced Setup
– Serial_RS232 Port
BEC MX-200 User Manual
Generally uses port 782(tcp/udp). Specify tcp/udp port other than port 782.
Empty Serial Buffer When TCP Connection is Established:
When TCP link
connection is established, serial buffer will get deleted. Enable to empty the buffer after
TCP connection is up.
Data packet Delimiter:
A way to keep packets in tract.
Time Delimiter:
Default time is in 1000ms. After time has reached, serial data will
be transmitted. Time range from 1
– 30000ms.
Character Delimiter:
Default characters are 0x0d0a. Serial data will get
transmitted when seeing the specified character(s), in this case, 0x0d0a. Valid
characters “0x” + Hex code
TCP Idle Timeout (Seconds):
Default time is in 60 seconds. Specify an idle time-out in
seconds. After the timeout expires, meaning no data transmission within the definded
time, serial connection will get aborted.