This guide outlines the details for installing the Beam In-vehicle hands free unit in
conjunction with an Iridium 9505A Portable Handset. This kit should not be used with
any other device other than the Iridium 9505A Handset.
Full In-vehicle Integration
The Beam In vehicle kit allows for a quality semi-permanent installation to the vehicle.
The antenna, microphone and speaker are simply installed in a convenient location
within the vehicle following the instructions provided with the kit. The handset is
simply stored in a cradle or secure location ready for use.
Handset Charging
When the 9505A is connected to the in vehicle cable assembly / hands free the
9505A battery is charged whilst the vehicles ignition is on.
9505A Functionality
The major advantage of an in-vehicle kit is the hands-free use along with the
permanently installed antenna for increased call quality and signal penetration.
The 9505A will support all the standard functionality whilst being used with the Beam
In-vehicle kit.
Intelligent Handset Interface
The In-vehicle kit supports the optional Beam Intelligent Handset, RST970. The
handset supports voice calls as well as utilizing the Iridium SMS service. The handset
is compact and includes an inbuilt ring alert. The handset also enables a private in
vehicle conversation.
RS232 Data Port
A RS232 serial data port is provided via the “Comm Port” allowing data calls, or
tracking / alerting modules or a PC to be connected. Refer to the AT commands
guide on the Beam website
for Iridium modem commands.
(Optional) Alert / Tracking Interface
The Beam TrackALERT terminals are an intelligent Alert / Tracking and Monitoring
unit all-in-one and are available for all Beam terminals. TrackALERT allows the
deployment of various applications including vehicle, asset, asset tracking, monitoring
and condition reporting, remote control and configuration. Alert/Alarm monitoring
applications are available.
The TrackALERT interface is highly intelligent and the ability to configure many
parameters in the terminal locally or remotely enables a great deal of customization
and flexibility.
Key Features
Convenient Hands-free Operation
Supports Intelligent Handset
Handset Charging
Horn Alert Integration
11-32V DC Input
Supports Voice & Data Services
Full Duplex Hands-free Operation
Echo Cancellation
Stereo Integration Possible (Line In/Out)
Supports DC Power Input
Convenient Installation