Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
LPV "Camel" Liquid Ring Medical Vacuum System
NASH Pump - Type 1 Configuration
Sizes: 3, 5, 7½ and 10 HP - Delta Series
3, 5, 7½ HP - MHF Series
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Date purchased:
Model number:
Serial number:
Option(s) included:
Any information, service or spare parts requests should include the machine serial number and be
directed to:
1800 Overview Drive
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Telephone: (803) 817-5600
Fax: (803) 817-5750
BeaconMedæs reserves the right to make changes and improvements to update
products sold previously and support materials without notice or obligation.
Issue Date: May 1, 2009
MAN 01 - 015