BAVARIA Owner’s manual
Caution - dismantling or exchange of batteries
To remove the battery cables:
1. Turn off all items drawing power from the battery
Turn the battery switch to the OFF position
Remove the negative cable first, then the positive cable. To replace the cables, first repla
ce the positive cable, only then the negative one.
» Ensure that the battery space is well ventilated at all times.
When charging and (dis)connecting a battery ensure that no water or metal objects may
contact the terminals.
To disconnect the batteries from the boats power circuit, turn the selection switches
that are located in the
locker underneath the main deck steering bench, see module AC3 at „“ page 38.
Never disconnect all batteries while the engine is running; alternator and wiring damage
could occur..
Batteries should be disconnected when not in use and especially while the boat is unatten-
Essential services are wired directly to the batteries and will run even if the battery discon-
nect switch is open.
7.6.1. Maintenance of batteries
The batteries delived ex factory (BAVARIA Yachtbau) are AGM batteries, they are maintenance-free. Replace
those batteries with equivalent AGM batteries only.
» Coat battery terminals with silicone grease.
» Keep the batteries clean and dry.
» The life of some battery types is shortened if drained to zero charge. It is recommended that a battery not be
discharged more than 50 percent. If the battery does become run down, recharge it as soon as possible.
» Running the engine to recharge the battery may not be effective. The alternator only creates charging power at
higher engine speeds. Idling for long periods will not generate enough power to recharge the battery.
If you need to charge a battery, use only a battery charger designed to charge automotive/marine batteries. Use
charger only when batteries are disconnected from the boat‘s electrical circuit. Follow the manufacturer’s inst
ructions when using the charger.
» If your boat will not be used for several weeks remove the batteries from the boat and connect them to a charger.