Operating Manual for
FAN Press Screw Separator PSS 1.1-300
The reaction time before each setting change takes several minutes, meaning that the
effect of any change can only be determined after this time.
For this reason, always allow enough time after making a change and only make
changes in small steps!
Before the initial startup and after prolonged downtime, the separator should be flooded
before switching it on by starting the pump briefly in order to prevent possible damage
from dry running.
If no solid cake is present in the discharge area, it must be en-
sured that the discharge flaps rest fully against the mouthpiece.
After switching on the separator, start the pump only briefly - for
about 1 to 2 seconds, just long enough for the supply line and
separator to be filled. Then wait until liquid phase no longer runs
out and repeat the process.
Depending on the pumped medium, a solid cake will begin to form
after about 5 repetitions and push the cap away from the mouth-
Alternatively an artificial cake can be created.
To do this, place the
cake formation aid
made of foam rubber,
included in the standard equipment, behind the flaps. This starter
cake is replaced as the separation process continues by a newly
formed solid cake made of the separated medium, pressing out
the starter cake.
A starter cake should be employed when the solid
cake has been removed from the machine for cleaning, inspection
or maintenance purposes. If the machine is not operated for a
prolonged period of time such that the cake has either hardened,
frozen or become very soft, a starter cake is also required to re-
start the separator.
To place the cake formation aid, check before beginning work that the
switch cabinet is disconnected
from the electrical supply
and is not energized.
Then do as follows:
1. Remove the 2 weights from the arms of the output regulator in order to open the regulator flaps,
then secure the flaps.
2. Insert the starter cake in the form of the cake formation aid made of foam rubber.
3. Place one weight in each middle position on the output regulator arms. The pressure flaps of the
output regulator must rest against the starter cake such that pressure is applied to the cake
when the separator is started up. As a suitable solid cake is formed, the output regulator arms
will slowly move upwards.
The pump can then be switched on without pauses
Fig. 7-2 Discharge flaps
Fig. 7-3 Cake formation aid