Operating Manual for
FAN Press Screw Separator PSS 1.1-300
The complete system of the press / screw separator also includes the material supply and discharge
The incoming material can be delivered by pump or from an elevated tank by means of gravity. Because
the pump delivery rate cannot be precisely determined, an overflow is absolutely required in order to
protect the separator from an overload.
The pump should be designed to slightly exceed
the capacity of the separator, but the pressure
on the separator should not exceed
2 m water
column [0.2 bar]
. A higher pressure would
damage the seal in the separator.
In order to obtain a homogeneous mixture of sol-
id and liquid, a stirring machine is required when
supplying the slurry via a pump or from an ele-
vated tank.
It is very important that the supply of material to
the separator is always controlled by the switch
The correct selection of the pump, the stirring
machine and the supply and disposal lines is crit-
ically important.
When supplying the press screw separator from
an elevated tank by means of gravity, a flow reg-
ulator may be required in some circumstances to
limit the pressure on the separator. In this case,
an overflow is not required.
The effluent should be disposed of via an open
(and thereby ventilated) drain channel or collect-
ed in a drainage pit and then pumped out in or-
der to avoid generating a suction effect on the
separator. The ventilation is required because
otherwise particles are drawn into the screen gap
and remain stuck there, blocking the open
screen surface and impairing the function of the
The separated solid can be piled up and trans-
ported away as needed, brought away on a con-
veyor belt or disposed of by container or truck.
The supply line available with the FAN press screw separator as an accessory is a reinforced yet flexible
tube. This reinforced tube is resistant to negative pressure. Ventilation openings can be added to the
inflow line through the connection of a breather pipe to the inflow element. The ventilation is required for
a pump with a very high pump capacity since the high flow speed in the overflow line would otherwise
produce a siphon effect that would limit the supply to the separator and impair the separation process.
Fig. 4-5 Supply via pump
Fig. 4-6 Supply via gravity
from an elevated tank