Phase and Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent
elements with settable time delay: 50TP, 50TN
Phase, Neutral, and Negative Sequence Time
Overcurrent elements: 46, 51P, 51N, 151N
Phase overcurrent element
P) includes capabil
ity of voltage restraint or voltage control.
Internally calculated phase residual, 310, available
on all relays. Optional independent ground input
available. Neutral overcurrent elements (50TN, 51 N,
151 N) monitor either ground or calculated residual.
Negative sequence overcurrent element (46)
includes algorithm for timing based on generator
factors or may use standard TOC curves.
All U.S. and IEC timing curves plus user program
mable curve.
Phase Undervoltage and Overvoltage elements:
27P, 127P, 59P, 159P. Elements use a 1 of 3, 2 of
3, or 3 of 3 logic, and monitor either line-line or line
ground voltages.
Auxiliary Undervoltage and Overvoltage elements:
27X, 127X, 59X, 159X. Elements monitor either
fundamental or third harmonic on the optional
auxiliary 4th
input, or fundamental phase
residual, 3VO, of the phase inputs.
Negative Sequence Overvoltage element: 47
Overexcitation, Volts per Hertz element: 24
Four Under/Overfrequency elements: 81, 181, 281,
Forward/Reverse Power: 32, 132
Loss of Excitation (offset sloped VAR flow algo-
rithm): 400, 1400
Breaker Failure protection function: BF
4 general purpose logic timers: 62, 162, 262, 362
Inadvertent energization protection using 50
elements supervised by 81 and/or 27 elements
100% stator ground fault protection using auxiliary
voltage elements for ground overvoltage and 3rd
harmonic ground undervoltage
Sync check and/or dead bus close supervision
25, 27X (Requires optional 4th
sensing circuit)
Programmable Logic using BESTiogic
Two protection settings group controllable via relay
logic, 43 Aux switches, and hardwired inputs.
Setting group selection may control tripping logic.
Fuse loss detection (60FL) protects against false
trip due to loss of voltage sensing.
Virtual breaker control switch-controllable from
both HMI and com. ports: 101
Four virtual selector switches-controllable from
both HMI and com. ports: 43, 143, 243, 343
Communication port control of 1 01 and #43
switches allows for SCADA control of relay and
Real time A, B, C phase current, voltage; fre
quency; and derived neutral and negative
sequence current and voltage.
Real Time 3 phase Watts, VARs, and Power
Current demands for phase, ground, and negative
sequence currents, and forward and reverse Watts
and VARs-magnitudes and time stamps are
recorded for today's peak, yesterday's peak,
and peak since reset.
kWh and kVARh, forward and reverse
Breaker operations counter and contact
interruption duty. Breaker operate time also
255 event sequence of events report with 1/0 and
alarm sub-reports
Fault Reporting; 1 or 2 oscillography records per
fault report
16 fault summary reports; two most recent Fault
Summary Records saved to non-volative memory
Total number of fault and oscillography records
settable from 6 to 16
Total of 240 cycles oscillography memory@ 12
Three independent general purpose communica
tion ports
- Front RS-232 ASCII communications
- Rear RS-232 ASCII communications
- Rear RS-485 ASCII, Modbus®, DNP®3.0, and TNP
IRIG-B time sync (unmodulated)
Relay fail, major alarm, and minor alarm LEDs,
and fail-safe alarm output contact.
Extensive internal diagnostics monitor all internal
functions of the relay.
More than 20 additional alarm points
programmable for major or minor priority
- User defined logic state alarms that may be
associated with any user specified relay logic
state or relay protective element status.
- Phase current, and forward and reverse Watt and
VAR demand alarm.
- Neutral and negative sequence unbalance
demand alarms.
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