GF Health Products, Inc. - www.grahamfield.com Liberty Service Manual 999-0822-190F AUG. 2014
Please Order Kit Number LBTL83200 -
(Includes Pedal Lock, Caster Keepers, 4 Non-Locking Caster & Hdwr.)
View of Caster Keeper
Assembly attached to
the Head End of Liberty
Bed. Caster Keepers
come pre-assembled
in kit.
View of Pedal Lock Attached
to the Foot End of Liberty Bed.
1. Position the Locking Pedal Assembly (#2) so that the
mounting bracket is on top and the red pedal is facing
outward, away from the carriage weldment.
2. Align the holes in the bracket with the pre-drilled holes
in the cross brace.
3. From the outside, insert a 5/16-18 x 2.50” Hex Head Bolt
(#3) through both holes in the bracket and cross brace.
4. From the inside, secure the bolt to the assembly using
a 5/16-18 Thin Nylon Lock Nut (#4). Tighten with two
1/2” wrenches.
(If you already have a lock mechanism
system on your Liberty bed and are attaching a second
Pedal Lock you are done and can skip steps 5 - 8.)
5. Remove the two locking casters at the foot end of the
carriage and replace with two non-locking casters (#9)
from your kit. Use the same Locking Nuts to secure.
6. Remove the two locking casters at the head end of the
carriage. Discard the nuts and locking casters. From the
bottom, insert the stems from the last two non-locking
casters from your kit into the carriage weldment holes.
7. Position the pre-assembled Caster Keepers (bent arm
outward and toward the foot end) onto the exposed ends
of each of the caster stems. The brackets should rest
securely on the carriage cross brace. Secure the brackets
to the carriage using two (2) new 7/16-14 Thin Nylon Lock
Nuts from your kit.
NOTE: A Second Locking Mechanism can be attached
to the opposite side - Order part # 999-0832-980SP.