Depending on the operating speed of the pyrometer, and other environmental factors, the
measured temperature of the electronics can be 5 to 12ºC above the actual ambient air
temperature. The submenu for each pyrometer configuration is self-explanatory.
Figure A-13: Alarm configuration menu
Figure A-14: Instrument Ambient Configuration Menu
Pyrometer Analog Watchdog:
If the Pyrometer Analog Watchdog is activated, the Industrial
Mux will watch for missed readings from the pyrometer, an indication that the pyrometer has
failed in some way. If missed readings occur, the analog output will be forced to the Analog
Safe Value and, if programmed to do so, energize one of the relays. When the Pyrometer Analog
Watchdog (Item 2 in Figure A-13) is enabled, then item “3. Pyrometer Watchdog Alarm
Configuration....” appears, offering a self-explanatory submenu for setting the watchdog alarm
Analog Safe Value:
This is the milliamp output that the analog outputs should go to if there is a
failure with one of the pyrometers.