Baseband Technologies Inc.
Title: Stamp-size Ultra Low-Power GPS Receiver Module User Guide Rev 1.0
Page 25
$PAUSE command suspends gpsconsole from sending commands to the board. However,
messages will still be received and displayed to screen during that time. If the $PAUSE
command is used with a number (in seconds) as a parameter, gpsconsole will suspend
sending commands for the duration of that time. If the $PAUSE command is used with a
text string as a parameter, gpsconsole will suspend sending commands until the text
string is detected. If the $PAUSE command is used without a parameter, gpsconsole will
suspend sending commands until a key is pressed.
$PAUSE [time to halt in seconds | "text string"]
$PAUSE 0.1
# Suspends gpsconsole for 0.1 seconds
$PAUSE “TCXO frequency offset” # Suspends gpsconsole until text string is detected
# Suspends gpsconsole until a key is pressed
@POS command can be used optionally to define a rough initial position and its
uncertainty of the receiver. The receiver will use this initial position to aid the satellite
acquisition process. When an initial position is not defined, the receiver will automatically
use the last computed position or calculate a position using an advanced Doppler
positioning algorithm.
In general, when a receiver has moved more than 100Km from the last computed
position, the “@POS 0 0 0 20000” command could be used to define a new initial
position, but the receiver can take a long time to initialize. Alternatively, in the case when
the receiver has been moved from/to known locations such as from Kansas City (Lat: 39,
Long:-94) to San Jose, using the “@POS 39 -94 0 2500” can significantly decrease the
initialization time from ten minutes or so to tens of seconds.
If the initial position is totally unknown, use @POS 0 0 0 20000.
@POS (latitude) (longitude) (height in meters) [position uncertainty in Km]
@POS 51 -114 0
# Initial position = 51 (Lat), 114 (Long), 0m (Height)
@POS 51 -114 0 50
# Initial position = 51 (Lat), 114 (Long), 0m (Height) ± 50Km
@POWERSAVE command sets the receiver power mode. If enabled, the receiver will go to
sleep mode between captures and turn off all unnecessary components to maximize
power saving. This command should be used during power measurements to ensure the
lowest power consumption.