10. Remove one of the reference electrodes from the sodium chloride solution and assemble
with the retainer and O-ring as shown in Figure 3.13.
Figure 3.13.
Exploded and assembled views of reference electrode components.
11. Wear safety glasses for this step. At this point, fluid should be rising into the reference
electrode well. Let it keep rising until it is almost to the top, then screw the assembled
reference electrode into the well until it is snug. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE FORCE!
The O-ring will wipe the inside of the well dry as you screw the retainer down. It’s a
good idea to hold a lab tissue behind the vent hole to absorb the excess fluid as it
squirts out.
12. Wipe up all spills with lab tissues before proceeding.
NOTE: Removal and reinsertion of the reference electrode as in steps 10–12 is a useful
technique to remove bubbles that have formed in the reference well. Such bubbles produce
a regular pattern of baseline oscillation with a period that matches the pump stroke (be-
cause the bubbles are alternately compressed and allowed to expand).
13. Make sure that flow is continuing through the entire cell (it should be dripping through
the waste outlet tube into your waste receptacle). There should be no leaks from the
thin-layer gasket area, connecting tubes, fittings, or reference-electrode retainer. In-
crease the flow rate to the level you anticipate using for your assay and check the flow
through the cell again.
Section 3. Installation
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