Connect the output leads to the strip-chart recorder, integrator, or data station. See Sec-
tion 4.2 for more information on the LC-4C’s rear panel connections.
On each LC-4C, there are four sets of output jacks (see Figure 3.9). Use the
green and black sockets for a 1.0 V recording device. Use the blue and
black sockets for a 10 mV recording device. Alternatively, use the bare-wire
connectors at the OUTPUT section of the 16-position terminal strip on the
LC-4C back panel.
Flip the OXD/RDN switch on the rear panel to the mode you are using
(oxidation or reduction). If you are unfamiliar with the meaning of these
terms, you will find more information in BAS’ “Principles of EC Detection
and Troubleshooting Guide” (P/N MF-9083). Correct positioning of this
switch ensures a positive output signal. This switch can be used to reverse
the direction (polarity, see Section 4.2, page 27) of the pen travel (output
signal) on the chart recorder.
At the recorder, connect the leads as follows:
White lead (red plug): “+” or “HI” recorder input
Black lead (black plug): “–” or “LO” recorder input
Black jumper (green plug): recorder ground terminal
(LO is thus jumpered to GND)
GROUNDING NOTE: It is important that the third plug on the recorder leads be
connected to ground. If your data system does not have a ground, connect
a wire (included: part #32, Figure 3.1) from the OUTPUT GND of the
terminal strip to the threaded hole at the upper left corner of the rear panel.
If this is a dual-detector system, also connect a wire between the OUTPUT
GNDs of the two LC-4Cs.
Using the ZERO ADJUST or ZERO CHECK on your recorder, zero the recorder
at the appropriate side of the chart paper.
NOTE: If you have an integrator or data station with wide dynamic range, match the output
of the LC-4C to the input range of your data device. The LC-4C has both 1 V and 10 mV
outputs, making it compatible with the majority of popular chart recorders, integrators and
workstations. There is a built-in overange on each output that is 10 times the nominal
value (e.g., the range on the 10 mV output is from 0 to 100 mV). Use the RANGE switch on
the LC-4C Detector to keep the signal you record within the range of your recording device.
The entire LC system should be connected to the same ground point. This point should
be the safety ground (third wire) of the power circuit you are using.
To ensure a properly grounded system, have a qualified electrician measure the resis-
tance between each component chassis and circuit ground. The resistance should be
less than 1
. If it is not, ground the component chassis together with a jumper wire.
Section 3. Installation
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