I. PC Board Lights
If lights on PC Board are on for coin mechanism and/or ticket
dispenser, there is an error for the corresponding light(s).
Ticket Dispenser:
Flashing light on ticket dispenser means out of tickets.
Restart table if light does not appear with new tickets inserted.
III. Coin Mechanism/Acceptor
Make sure to replace the sample plastic coin with the desired number
of coins. Coin Acceptor must be on N.O. (normally open) setting.
IV. Puck Release
If puck is getting stuck inside of the release door, the following need
to be check for possible errors:
1) Check for debris, shavings, paper and other emains lodged
inside the return unit.
2) Puck has chips not allowing it to fall through the return unit.
Replace or sand puck.
3) Wire connector to release solenoid has become unplugged/
4) Release solenoid needs to be replaced. Contact Barron Games
for spare parts.
V. Push Start Sound
If you hear “PUSH START”, the following need to be checked and
corrected. It is an error message. Restart the table after every time
changes/new settings are made. ON/OFF switch is underneath the
table, next to the power display.
1) Machine is out of tickets.
2) Both coin acceptors and ticket dispensers are properly plugged
in and connected.
3) Any damage to connection pins/other wires.
4) Make sure both ticket dispensers are on the following settings
N.O. (Normally Open) and not on continuous dispense.
5) Both coin acceptors are on the N.O. (Normal Open) settings.
6) The correct numbers of coins have inserted to play the game.
There is no start button located on commercial air hockey
machines. You may purchase a start button and faceplate through
Barron Games for residential use.
Barron Games International LLC. Tech Support and Parts Service phone
number 1(716) 866-0054 USA or email [email protected].
More information/updates can be found at www.barrongames.com.
Manufactured by
- Taiwan
To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | www.bmigaming.com | (800) 746-2255 | +1.561.391.7200