The Discovery Tool should find any device that is on the same network as the computer running the tool, regardless of their current IP address
setting. The tool will not search through a router to another subnet.
You can use the address that appears in the Discovery Tool to access the RetailPlayer device via a web browser. However, keep in mind that the
IP address could change if the RetailPlayer is rebooted.
You can also set the address in the Discovery Tool by double-clicking on the IP address field of the RetailPlayer device you wish to change.
When you double click the address field, the IP address field will become editable. Enter the IP address you want to assign. Then click "Set", the
"Set reply" field should say "No error" if the address assignment was successful.
If you decide to assign the RetailPlayer device a static IP address, you must be sure to use an address that is outside the range of addresses
that are automatically assigned by any DHCP server on the network.
The web user interface
With the IP address of the device is possible to connect to the web user interface.
Open a web browser and type the IP address in the URL field.
By default, when the RetailPlayer decoder is started for the first time, it is configured to run in Portal mode, which means that its configuration is
managed by the Portal.
In the following paragraphs, the settings and the different sections of the web user interface are described.
The Settings Page
As soon as the web user interface is accessed it visualizes the SETTINGS page.
The window is organized in:
The top navigation bar (settings, status, logs, defaults, update, reboot. In addition on the top right corner there are the MAC address and
current firmware installed on the device)
The operational area. Where the user input values and set parameters
The side help section, which offers a brief overview on the parameters and values helping the user without the need to leave the page.
TIP: Each parameter has a default value, those values are also reported in the help section.
Main application and failover playlist settings
This section is used to configure the main operational mode of the device, either if in Portal or stand-alone.
Stand Alone
Discovery Tool is able to retrieve the IP address of RetailPlayer devices wired to the network over the ETH LAN interface. it is not
possible to retrieve the IP address of a device connected to the network using WLAN interface (WiFi USB dongle)
To access the the web user interface of the device the "Webconfig" flag on the Portal must be checked. This option can be found in Devic
See image below. More details are provided in the
es Basic Settings Device Webconfig.