User privileges
When creating or modifying a user note the option "Privileges" in the sidebar menu. Click on it to access the user privileges settings, an area
where it is possible to set specific permission for the user selected.
For every user it is possible to determine permissions to access and modify certain functions of the platform or not, in addition, it is possible to
assign users to sub-organizations part of the main organization they are in.
Gives Administration privilege to the user. This privilege overrides all the other privileges and gives the user full access. Admin
privilege is also needed in order to manage other users.
Device Control
Gives the user the privilege to see the CONTROL Panel in the device editing section
Device Schedule
Gives the user the privilege to see the WEEKLY SCHEDULER Panel in the device editing section
Device Status
Gives the user the privilege to see the DEVICE STATUS panel in the device editing section
Device Remote
Gives the user the privilege to see the REMOTE CONTROL panel in the device editing section and allows the user to add remote
Channel Admin
Gives the user the privilege to see the Channel Menu Item which allows managing channels
Channel List Admin
Gives the user the privilege to see the Channel List Menu Item which allows managing channel lists
Audio Files
Gives the user the privilege to see the Audio Files Manage, Scheduler and Triggers section
: A newly added user is always assigned to the organization unit of the administrator creating the user. One user can be part of
multiple organizations, thus controlling devices, users, channel lists if allowed to do so from the roles panel.
User Settings
By clicking on the gear symbol in the top bar menu the user settings are displayed.
Here is possible to change the current user information: first name, last name (name), and the login password.
Click on
in the top of the sidebar menu to logout from the Portal.
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