4 Rebooting the device
4.1 Pushing the reset button
To reboot the device push the reset button for a brief moment.
4.2 Using a web browser
To reboot the Exstreamer P5 click the “REBOOT” button in the top menu line of the device's
main web page.
Click on the underlined link “Reboot the device”.
After approx. 5 seconds the following will be displayed.
4.3 Sending a Reboot Command
The firmware supports the rebooting of the device by sending a “REBOOT” API command.
The command itself is “c=99” and can be transmitted using one of three API interfaces:
CGI , TCP and UDP as explained below.
CGI Interface
Type in the browsers URL filed the IP of the device followed by “/rc.cgi?c=99” and hit the enter
key to submit the command. The device will reboot immediately.
This command uses the HTTP web server port (default: 80) . Supply the correct port number if
you change this setting.
TCP Interface
Send the command “c=99” followed by a „CR“ (Carriage Return) character in a TCP packet to
the device. The device will reboot immediately.
This command uses the TCP command port which is disabled by default (default: 0).
Enable the command port first and send the packet to the port number you have set.
UDP Interface
Send the command “c=99” followed by a „CR“ (Carriage Return) character in a UDP packet to
the device. The device will reboot immediately.
This command uses the UDP command port which is disabled by default (default: 0).
Enable the command port first and send the packet to the port number you have set.
4.4 Power-cycling the device
To reboot the Exstreamer P5 the voltage on the power supply connector
has to drop for
approximately one second before coming up again.
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