Exstreamer User Manual Version 1.7
1 Introduction
Congratulations on the purchase of your Exstreamer Digital from Barix AG.
What exactly is the Exstreamer? It is an audio network interface for your home stereo
system that streams MP3s from your PC and radio stations from the internet.
Even though possible, the Exstreamer is not meant to be plugged directly into your
computer but rather into your network.
The Exstreamer brings MP3 to a whole new level using sophisticated technology which
we kept as affordable as possible for you.
We designed this device so that you are not limited to listen to your MP3s being stuck in
front of a computer or having to listen to high quality music through low quality
computer speakers. The Exstreamer lets you enjoy your music in any room of your
To make this manual easier to understand we have included a dictionary at the end of the
manual that links to each technical word (example:
2 Features
Streams MP3s from computers, digital audio servers and the internet
10/100 Mbit Ethernet connection
Plays internet radio (Beta)
Controllable via a standard web browser (PC, PDA, Web tablet), via a serial port
and Infrared Remote control
High quality RCA and headphone out
Features SonicIP
and IPzator
Features Infrared Gateway function
Easy integration into home automation systems
The device checks for updates automatically and installs them if any are available as
long as there is internet connection to the network.
(Note: This feature will be implemented with the next software version)