Bard Access Systems, Inc.
10. Repeat step 8 using three of the povidone iodine swabsticks to clean
the same skin area again as well as the part of the catheter that will
be lying on the cleaned skin.
11. Gently clean the outside of the catheter with the inside surface of an
alcohol wipe, starting from the exit site to the catheter connector.
You may hold the catheter at the exit site with another alcohol wipe
to prevent pulling on the catheter. Do Not Pull On The Catheter.
12. Allow the povidone iodine on the skin to air dry at least two minutes.
13. Apply a small amount of
povidone iodine ointment to
the exit site (optional).
14. Place the pre-cut gauze
dressing over the ointment at
the exit site, fitting it snugly
around the catheter. Place
the 2 in. x 2 in. (5 cm x 5 cm)
gauze over the pre-cut gauze
and catheter.
15. Apply the cover dressing (tape or transparent dressing) following the
directions in the package as well as instructions from your doctor or
16. Coil the catheter, check to see that it is not kinked or pinched, and
secure it to the chest or dressing with tape. This will prevent pulling
of the catheter at the exit site and decrease irritation.