14. Grasp the two handles of the peel-apart sheath and pull outward and
upward at the same time.
15. Peel the sheath away from the catheter completely. Make sure the
catheter is not dislodged from vessel as sheath is removed.
16. Unclamp catheter and withdraw blood through the lumen(s) to
insure patency before closing the skin at the venipuncture site. If
catheter is not patent, adjust catheter at curvature point to relieve
possible restriction. Irrigate catheter lumen(s) with 10 mL of sterile
normal saline to clear catheter of blood. Instill sterile heparinized
saline per lumen to create heparin lock. Clamp catheter.
17. Attach injection cap(s) or connect to intravenous fluid source.
18. Suture catheter at exit site. Note: For dual lumen catheters, the
attachable suture wing may be used to secure the catheter.
A. Using your fingers, squeeze the suture wing together so that it splits
open and place the wing around the catheter
near the venipuncture site.
B. Secure wing in place using sutures or adhesive
wound closures.
19. Secure catheter at exit site with a sterile dressing.
The external segment of the catheter should
be coiled and taped. Avoid tension on the external segment to
prevent dislodging the catheter.