5. Setup
A green dot appears, indicating that the projector is present on the network and working properly
Image 5-29
connected and active projector
connected and active projector
The name of the projector or group is now displayed in the upper part of the screen and indicates that the communication has
been set
Image 5-30
connected and active projector
When connected to a group of projectors, some controls may be disabled.
In general, controls will only be selected if this is the status of all projectors in the group.
Sliders will be set to a particular value only if this is the same on all projectors in the group, otherwise they
will be positioned centrally with a dash in the value box. When the slider is moved the box will show the new
value and this value will be sent to all projectors in the group.
Labels such as Current Source in the general page will only be shown if the string value is the same on all
projectors, otherwise a dash will be shown
The Target information block
The target information block displays the main characteristics of the connected projector or group of projectors.
This gives also an indication whether the communication setting has been successful or not.
Image 5-31
5.12 Configuring the Server software
Internal network connection
The internal connection ( firmware connection) between the projector controller and the single board computer uses fixed IP ad-
The IP address of the SBC can be found in control panel
R5976821 BARCO ICON 15/03/2007