Acquiring a Good Image
The iVu Series sensor needs to capture a good image to ensure that it can read the barcode(s) correctly.
1. Go to Main Menu > Imager > Auto Exposure to run the Auto Exposure routine.
2. Check the lighting.
• Make sure that the lighting is constant and consistent (unchanging over time, no shadows or hot spots).
• Capture the barcode with lighting that optimizes its contrast and separates it from the background. Depending on the target,
this may mean the integral ring light is not the best choice and other Banner lights should be considered.
• Adjust the mounting angle to provide the clearest image of the barcode. The mounting bracket lets you easily position and
adjust the sensor on your line. Typically, a slight angle will help with read robustness.
3. If needed, go to Main Menu > Imager > Auto Exposure to run the Auto Exposure routine a second time or adjust Gain and
Exposure manually:
• Main Menu > Imager > Gain
• Main Menu > Imager > Exposure
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