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Waste Electrical and Electronic 
Equipment (WEEE) – 
Environmental protection 

Electrical and electronic 
equipment, parts and 
batteries marked with 
this symbol must not be 
disposed of with 

normal household wastage; all 
electrical and electronic equipment, 
parts and batteries must be 
collected and disposed of 
separately. When disposing of 

electrical and electronic equipment 
and batteries by use of the collection 
systems available in your country, 
you protect the environment, human 
health and contribute to the prudent 
and rational use of natural resources. 

Collecting electrical and electronic 

equipment, batteries and waste 
prevents the potential contamination 
of nature with the hazardous 
substances which may be present 
in electrical and electronic 
products and equipment.

Your Bang & Olufsen retailer will 

advise you of the correct way of 
disposal in your country. 

Hereby Bang & Olufsen 

declares compliance 

with the essential requirements 
and other relevant provisions of 
ErP Directive 2009/125/EC, EMC 
Directive 2004/108/EC and LVD 
Directive 2006/95/EC. 

All Bang & Olufsen products 

comply with applicable 
environmental legislation 

throughout the world. 

Cet appareil numérique de la 

classe B est conforme à la norme 

NMB-003 du Canada.

