common spring problems
possible cause
door raises from
the floor and
hangs down in
cable length too long with cable not
on high portion of drum
shorten cable length until the cable rolls onto the
flat portion of the drum when the door starts into the
horizontal position
springs may be too strong (too short)
replace spring
wrong cable drums for springs (too
replace cable drums
door lifts from the
floor and runs
away at the top
door is over tensioned. too many turns
on spring or wrong spring
ensure that the correct spring is supplied (if not
replace) and that it has the correct number of turns
wrong cable drums for spring, (too
replace cable drums
door falls to the
floor and hangs
down in the
door is under tensioned too few turns
on spring or wrong springs
ensure that the correct spring is supplied (if not
replace) and that it has the correct number of turns
have been applied
wrong cable drums for springs (too
replace cable drums
door falls to the
floor and runs
away at the top
lifting cable may be too short for high
lift cable drum or vertical lift drum and
is sitting too high on the spiral portion
of the drum
increase the cable length to bring the cable down
lower on the spiral
torsion springs too long
shorten springs
door balances at
the floor but runs
up or down in
cables in wrong position on spiral of
the drums
adjust cable length
poor balance
winding spring in wrong direction
wind in correct direction
door weight incorrect
supply correct springs
springs binding
fit torsion bar collar
lubricate springs
door not level
cable lengths are equal
equal turns on both springs
level door during installation
The Designer Series
P7 Industrial
installation instructions