Document # P09986 Rev. B
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
© Copyright
4799 Dahlia Street
BAND-IT IDEX, Inc. 2016
Denver, CO 80216-0307 USA
All Rights Reserved
P: 1-800-525-0758
F: 1-800-624-3925
Warranty and Safety Guidelines
Refer to website for warranty information:
NOTE: Any performance data published herein is based on laboratory tests, which cannot duplicate conditions that
may be encountered in field installations. Such conditions may vary results substantially from those shown (such as
abuse in handling and installation, failure to follow recommended handling and installation practices, abnormal
environmental conditions, disregard of operating instructions for BAND-IT tools or non-recommended combinations of
BAND-IT products). BAND-IT cannot be responsible for performance characteristics from such variables.
Safety Guidelines
Always wear safety glasses when operating this tool and keep both hands and clothing away from clamp
being tensioned. Squeezing force can reach as high as 2 tons. Never attempt to clamp objects which can
shatter or otherwise cause bodily harm. Tensioning the clamp can be stopped immediately by releasing the
trigger. Detailed instructions are in this manual and the operator is advised to read it and become familiar with
operating the tool.
When clamping a hose end, remember that a tighter clamp keeps the fitting more secure, but excess
tension can damage the hose. Fitting stem must have prominent barbs for proper retention inside the
hose, but must not be sharp to prevent cutting into the hose. Hose, fitting, and clamp must be
compatible with each other and the environment used in. If in doubt, consult the hose or fitting
manufacturer or call BAND-IT.
Improperly tightened clamps may result in dangerous hose assemblies, which could cause injuries or property
Abuse or use of a hose outside the manufacturers recommended conditions may cause it to quickly deteriorate
and become a safety hazard. This could result in serious injury or property damage. Inspect and test hose
assemblies frequently.
Clamping objects other than hose requires similar precautions.
Use only with BAND-IT 3/4" and 1/2" Ultra-Lok Free-End and Preformed Clamps
Use of Alternate Drills
This tool is designed to work solely mounted to the
Metabo BS 18 LTX series cordless drill
. Use of any other drills in
place of these Metabo BS 18 LTX drills may result in unsatisfactory performance, hazards to the operator and/or the
tool, or unsafe clamps. Disregard of this caution voids the warranty of the tool and releases BAND-IT of any and all
liabilities arising from such misuses.