Report No.: BL-SZ1680250-601
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5.9 Power Spectral density (PSD)
5.9.1 Limit
FCC §15.247(d); RSS-247, 5.2 (2)
The same method of determining the conducted output power shall be used to determine the power spectral density.
If a peak output power is measured, then a peak power spectral density measurement is required. If an average
output power is measured, then an average power spectral density measurement should be used.
5.9.2 Test Setup
See section 4.4.1 for test setup description for the antenna port. The photo of test setup please refer to ANNEX B.
5.9.3 Test Procedure
Set instrument center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
Set span to at least 1.5 times the OBW.
Set RBW to: 3 kHz
100 kHz.
3 x RBW.
Detector = RMS
Ensure that the number of measurement points in the sweep
2 x span/RBW.
Sweep time = auto couple.
Employ trace averaging (RMS) mode over a minimum of 100 traces.
Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.
Add 10 log (1/x), where x is the duty cycle.
If measured value exceeds limit, reduce RBW (no less than 3 kHz) and repeat.
5.9.4 Test Result
Please refer to ANNEX A.8.