1. About this Manual
Das Material in diesem Dokument dient lediglich zu Informationszwecken und kann ohne Vorankündigung geändert
werden. Wir haben keine Mühen gescheut, die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit dieser Bedienungsanleitung zu gewähr-
leisten. Dennoch haften wir nicht für jegliche Fehler und Auslassungen.
1.1 Declaration of Conformity ROHS
Hiermit bestätigt die Balter GmbH, dass entsprechend heutigem Wissenstand alle von der Balter GmbH verkauften Pro-
dukte (wenn nicht ausdrücklich gekennzeichnet) der Richtline 2011/65/EU entsprechen.
Diese Produkte erfüllen die derzeitigen Anforderungen der RoHS Direktive für alle 7 benannten Materialien (max. 0,1%
des Gewichtes in homogenem Material für Blei, Quecksiber, sechswertiges Chrom, polybromiertes Biphenyl (PBB), poly-
bromierten Diphenylether (PBDE), Deca-BDE und max. 0,01% des Gewichtes für Cadmium)
Here by Balter GmbH confirms that to its knowledge all products (unless explicitly stated otherwise) sold by Balter Secu-
rity GmbH fulfill the requirements of the EU directive 2011/65/EU. These products are compatible with the current RoHS
requirements for the 7 substances (max 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials for lead, mercury, hexavalent chromi-
um, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), Deca-BDE and max 0.01% for cadmium).
Diese Erklärung wird abgegeben durch:
Declaration issued by:
Balter GmbH
Elisabeth-Selbert-Str. 19a
D-40764 Langenfeld
Langenfeld den 03.01.2017
1.3 Limitations of Liability
This document is provided on an “As Is” basis without any explicit or implicit assurances and no claims can be derived
from it, including but not limited to implied assurances of merchantability, adequacy for certain purposes and non-in-
fringement of third parties.
This document may contain technical inaccuracies and typos. The information contained in this document as well as
the specifications of the devices described therein may be changed at any time.
1.2 Disclaimer
Under no cirmustances the dealer’s liability against any party or persons exceeds the replacement or appropriate
maintenance of the product. The dealer is not liable for, amongst other:
Any damages or losses, including but not limited to direct or indirect, special, exemplary or consequential damages
that arise because of or in connection with the device
Any injuries or losses caused by inappropriate or careless use
Unauthorised disassembly, repair or modification by the user or unauthorized third parties
Any problems, resulting incoveniences, losses or damages that stem from combining the device with devices of
another manufacturer;
Any damage claims or lawsuits by any persons or organizations considering invasion of privacy and illegal filming
and/or photographing, including saved data used privately or publicly for reasons other than surveillance.