Setting Input Level
The 100% analogue signal path in The Triko and the use of BBD delaying lines require to adjust the input
volume for optimal signal / noise ratio. To help you with this, a three LED display shows continuously the
input signal level.
Too Shy: a signal is present but its volume is weak. You can decrease the damping of the
corresponding input. If this is at minimum (+10), try to increase the output level of the source (volume
of an instrument, of the console group, etc.).
(Smiley): a signal is present and its level is satisfactory. If the volume of the corresponding path is
very attenuated (display value < 0), you can try to decrease the output volume of the source and to
decrease the damping of the input in order to improve the signal / noise ratio.
Too Loud: a signal is present, its volume is too high. Saturation will be or already is obvious. Increase
the damping of the corresponding input or decrease the volume of the source signal. If the Too Loud
indicator lights up only from time to time, its volume can be considered as satisfactory
System Menu
Press simultaneous on the lit push buttons LOAD and SAVE.
The SELECT encoder allows you to choose:
Midi channel controls and the functioning mode of the Midi Out plug (Out/Thru).
Saving your programs via Midi Sysex.
Updating of The Triko. The Triko uses two processors. Updating is therefore split in two: update of the
command panel and update of the main card.
Resetting The Triko. This function does not restore the factory settings. To do this you have to reload
via Midi Sysex the factory archive, available to download on the website
Bypass function
This command allows to switch The Triko in Bypass mode. All the effects, chorus and optional card are
Press simultaneously on the lit push buttons Chorus 3 and Card. Initialisation of the Bypass mode will be
displayed on the screen.
This function is very useful for quickly evaluating the quality of a program, its influence on the tonality and
its adaptation to the mix. It allows you to appreciate The Triko's contribution to your sound sources. To
exit this mode, push on any of the lit push buttons.