The block diagram shows the signal flow between the component
modules of the 1195E-l bingo game. The points where arrows enter the
Microprocessor Module lead to I nput Ports - the communication link be
tween the microprocessor and data from the Keyboard Display Module,
Remote Control Sender and the Switch Matrix which acts as the "eyes" of
the'microprocessor. Arrows emerging from the MPU board are from Output
Ports, by which instructions and data are transferred from the microprocessor
or memory components to output devices such as the lamp driver modules,
displays, solenoids and motors.
microprocessor is a
integrated circuit which performs
a wide variety of electronic tasks. It is connected to other integrated circuits
on the MPU module thru the data bus and address bus by which data and
instructions pass back and forth. A control bus links the components to
synchronize system functions.
Specific sequential instructions to be carried out by the microprocessor
are stored in the
memory. When the '-'power up" state is reached,
the fi rst instruction will be obtained from th is memory via the data bus. After
executing this instruction the microprocessor will signal for the second, etc.
The microprocessor tests the MPU module first, then makes the game
ready for play. A large part of the MPU activity consists of monitoring the
memory record of the switches on the playfield and in the cabinet, other
tasks include servicing display upda
es, motors, solenoids and scanning lamps
and momentary switches. Several additional memory IC's store more data
and instructions for the microprocessor.