Mechanical Meter Counting Rate
Switch S4 controls the rate of impulses tr:ansmitted to the mechanical meters. With the factory
installed meters which are not designed to count more than 10 impulses per second, this switch must
remain in the "Off" position. For user-installed high-speed meters, switch S4 should be moved to
"On" to obtain a 25 impulse per second counting rate.
Several functions of the Reflex Unit are accessible using the Keyboard Display Unit (see section
Reflex Unit Adjustments:
Reflex Factor
Reflex Ratio
The Reflex Factor may be adjusted over a range of one to nine to allow the operator to immediately
adjust the game play without changing the long term percentage associated with changing the Reflex
Changing the Reflex Factor is accomplished as follows:
Display the Reflex Factor by entering the factor code into the Keyboard (1 OA). Enter the new
value (between 1 and 9} into the keyboard. Depress " Enter". The new value is now loaded into the
Reflex Factor register.
The Reflex Ratio may be set to any value between 70 and 99. It comes pre-set from Bally at 76,
which approximates a number 3 gear ratio of a mechanical game.
To adjust the Reflex Ratio, display the present value of the ratio by entering the Reflex Ratio
code (11A) into the keyboard. Next, enter into the keyboard the new, two digit ratio followed by
depressing the " Enter" key. The new value is now stored in the register and the Reflex Circuit will stop
at this new ratio during game play.
Note: The range of adjustment for the Reflex Ratio is limited to between 70 and 99 percent. Should
the ratio be set to a value outside this range, the game will initialize the ratio back to 76 percent.