II. Prone Series – Rollers Together, Headrest Flat
Starting Position
Lie prone with chest, hips and thighs on rollers. Knees are off the edge of rollers,
feet are plantar-flexed. Arms in wide, overhead “V.” Use headrest to support the
forehead in neutral spine. Keep rollers equally weighted.
Movement Sequence
Inhale: Create length through your spine.
Exhale: Extend your right hip to lift your leg up and off its roller.
Inhale: Lengthen the lifted leg.
Exhale: Lower the leg back to the roller.
Repeat other side.
Inhale: Create length through your spine.
Exhale: Extend your right shoulder to lift your arm off the floor in a high “V.”
Inhale: Lengthen your arm.
Exhale: Lower.
Repeat other side.
Repeat combining the above (lifting right leg and left arm simultaneously, then
left leg and right arm at the same time).
Repeat at a quicker pace.