I. Supine Series – Rollers Together, Headrest Flat
Starting Position
Lay supine with your hips on the rollers and head on the headrest. Allow your
torso to be equally weighted into both rollers. Place hands behind head with
elbows wide and fingers lightly touching back of head.
Movement Sequence
Inhale: Lengthen both sides of body along rollers.
Exhale: Curl your chin towards your throat and slide your ribs towards your hips
to lift upper body into abdominal curl. Pour weight into your hips as your
head lifts higher, keeping them equally weighted.
Inhale: Elongate the shape of your curl.
Exhale: Twist your spine to the right, pouring the weight of your torso into the
right roller. Keep hips equally weighted.
Inhale: Return spine to center.
Exhale: Articulate through the sides of your ribs as you lower back to the starting
Repeat with rotation to the left.
Allow the rollers to nestle into the space between your spine and shoulder
blades. Imagine your spine dropping into the space between the rollers.