July 2021
Python V3.6.5 Sample Application Code
Packet Processor
Main file for Baker Packet Protocol Receiver
There are three classes that make up this application:
This provides the GUI if invoked. If the application is not invoked with the GUI, then this class is unused.
This is the packet processing. It is invoked whether the GUI is invoked or not. If the GUI is not present, then the ouput is to the command line.
Provides the Fletcher32_16 algorithm
Jon Busenkell
Version 1
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../Common')
import os
import time
import traceback
from numpy import *
import numpy.core._dtype_ctypes
import re
import threading
import _thread
import asyncio
from BPPReader_GUI import *
from Fletcher32_16 import *
from CultivoSerialize import Serialize
from FileHandling import *
class BPPReader(threading.Thread):