Baker Blue Streak Portable or Stationary Band Sawmill - Rev 2, 03/07;
Blade Lead
Blade lead is the angle of the blade relative to the bunks. The lead must be 0" to 1/32" up
from the back of the blade to the front. There are two ways to adjust Blade Lead. The first is
with a good quality (48" minimum) straight edge and (2) 12" machinist’s ruler or (1)
machinist’s ruler and a good quality tape measurer.
There should never be ANY down lead in a blade, this WILL cause very poor cuts and
in extreme cases equipment damage.
If not already in position, move the saw head to the front of the mill (end nearest the
trailer tongue) and lower the saw head down until it is approximately 12” above the bunk.
This will give you good clearance to make the adjustments.
Open the movable guide outward, toward the side nearest the carriage rail.
Ensure machine power is off by removing the key from the ignition.
Verify that the blade tension is at least 1,400 PSI. If not, adjust accordingly.
Loosen the guide bullets away from the blade.
Figure 46
Open moveable guide outward
Figure 46A
Loosen guide bullets away from blade
Loosen guide bullets away from blade
Loosen guide bullets away from blade