AWA Troubleshooting
The Hipot Trip lamp either does not activate (under known-shorted conditions) or it
will not go out when test is discontinued.
Call the Service Department immediately for assistance. Please record information off
the unit and the specific problem prior to calling.
Open Ground Check
The Open Gnd Lamp is on and you are not able to test.
Answer these questions:
Have you recently moved the unit to a new location with possibly an ungrounded
Is the unit being operated in a field where the AC power source is unknown?
Is the unit being operated on a scope cart that has its own outlet or power source?
Is the unit being operated using a two-wire extension cord?
Are you testing from a generator?
Is the unit being operated on a transformer-isolated circuit?
If you answer is yes to any of these questions, the unit is probably operational and
indicating you have an open AC line ground connection.
In the case of numbers 1 through 3 above, use an outlet tester to assure proper wiring
connections to the outlet. For number 4, replace the two-wire extension cord with a two-
wire/with ground extension cord. For number 5, or any of the conditions noted above,
use a grounding strap to a good earth ground.
In the case of number 6, call Baker Instrument Company Service for assistance. There is
an override available but precautions should be taken.
Limited Output Surge Waveform
The display shows a limited output (amplitude) surge waveform. The display rises
normally but stops at some point. Alternatively, you must continually increase the
output control for successive tests to achieve the same output test amplitude.
Call the Service Department immediately for assistance on this or any other abnormal
condition noted. Please record basic information from the tester and the specific problem
prior to calling.