AWA Troubleshooting
c. Reference the AWA calibration procedure, it gives detailed steps to follow that will
allow the user to correct the setting of the attenuator that is used when a 6000 V test is
programmed. The idea is to verify the AWA will not flat top the attenuator in that
range. Set it so the AWA will apply 6100 Volts in that range before switching the
screen scaling to the higher range used for tests to 12000V.
21. AWA always give "Release THE TEST
when attempting to begin test sequence.
a. This message is almost always related to the 80-100 AD/IO board, and the circuitry
responsible for initiating a test. Replace the entire assembly, or the following I.C.’s
b. U31,32 Mux08 multi-plexers
c. U10 DAC
d. U22 AMP01
e. U11 SMP11GY
f. U6 ADC912
g. The ADC clock (crystal) may be damaged or broken. A 1MHZ signal should be seen
at U6 pin 17 and 18. It should be approximately 4.5VDC in amplitude.
h. If the front panel of the AWA has been loosened or removed to service the unit, the
AUX DB25 connector may have been damaged. Look at the rear of it. You will see a
bunch of .01 microfarad capacitors soldered across the AUX pins. If these have
shorted out to each other by being set on something, they will give unknown signals
to the AD/IO and confuse it. Use needle nose pliers to separate the capacitors.
22. AWA trips when trying to perform a
meg-ohm/PI/HiPot on a motor with a long
cable run.