4.8 Position indicator mechanism: it is used to show valve’s position. It is also called MDPI. Two functions:
pointer-dial scale type, indicating valve position on site; potentiometer makes feedback of valve position to
show in the control room. The above functions could be totally
or partly provided to user.
G·L·SW’s contact signal is different and MDPI’s valve
position feedback signal is continuous.
Fig.19 shows MDPI position indicator mechanism. Numerous
pairs of small modulus gears can be seen from Fig.19. This
mechanism can fulfill valves with any nominal diameters to
show a dial scale which is from 0% to 100%.
About the electric actuator’s controller
In the general control theory, controller is a separate part from
the electric control part. The controller is always set in the
control room. If required by user, another order shall be placed
for the controller.
For the Integral electric actuator, there is no use of a separate
controller. The electric components of the control system are
totally set in the electric actuator’s controller case.
Any kind of control type shall chosen by user. Our company
provides separate controller and its instruction manual.
5. Mounting and dismantling(against the valve)
5.1 Beforehand, process the valve stem nut’s inner thread or spline jointed head’s inner hole/ key, so that will
fit with the valve(1-PC and jaw type driving tubular shaft do not need to do so.)
5.2 Mounting and dismantling methods for the electric actuator with 2-PC driving tubular shaft are as
Put the processed valve stem nut in the tubular shaft and fix it by using locknut. Lift up the electric actuator
ow valve’s position. It is a
w valve’s position. It i
n on site; potentiometer m
on site; potentiomete
ons could be totally
d be totally
fferent and MDPI’s va
nt and MDPI’s
on indicator mechanism. N
indicator mechanis
gears can be seen from F
ars can be seen fro
l valves with any nomi
valves with any no
is from 0% to 100%
om 0% to 100%
tuator’s contr
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